
Image Alternative Text: women selling fish on a table

Role of Fish and Other Aquatic Animal-Source Food in Enhancing Nutrition and Food Security in Africa

In this video, four Fish Innovation Lab-supported activities are featured during this exciting and informative session, which focuses on nutrition and food security in vulnerable small-scale fishing communities in sub-Saharan Africa.

Image Alternative Text: Chakrya Chum (right) and researchers collecting fish data.

Building the First Nutritional Database for Fish in Cambodia

Our researchers are aiming to make more information available to scientists, policymakers, and farmers about fish nutrition and preservation techniques. Read this Feed the Future article on the work being done through the "Increasing Sustainability of Fisheries and Aquaculture for Resilience of Cambodian Communities" activity.

Image Alternative Text: Director General of the Department of Fisheries Kh. Mahbubul Haque, sitting at a table with other stakeholders, remarked on the research findings.

Machine Learning Tool Paving the Way to Modernize Aquaculture Statistics in Bangladesh

The Harnessing Machine Learning activity worked with stakeholders in Bangladesh to develop a rigorous approach to survey design and implementation to ensure high quality data and representativeness beyond what is normally collected for the aquaculture sector. The activity’s results demonstrate the potential of combining remote sensing with representative surveys to estimate statistics on a wide range of aquaculture performance indicators, which are rarely measured accurately with traditional data collection techniques.

Image Alternative Text: At the Fish Innovation Lab Technical Workshop, Mark Lawrence presented on the Asia and Africa aquaculture and fisheries activities, which the lab supports.

Bangladesh Aquaculture Sector Meeting: Presenting Aquaculture Research for Development

The Bangladesh Aquaculture Sector Meeting showcased the results from five Fish Innovation Lab activities in Bangladesh to promote the adoption and scaling of research findings and technologies as well as to receive feedback and recommendations from Bangladesh stakeholders.

Image Alternative Text: hand holding fish feed

WorldFish Partners with Norad to Develop Low-cost and Highly Nutritious Aquatic Feeds

In July 2022, WorldFish signed an agreement with the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad) to develop low-cost and highly nutritious aquatic feeds based on novel ingredients. The agreement will enable 5,000 smallholder aquatic food producers in Kenya, Nigeria, and Zambia to test and use these feeds and ingredients, which will increase their income, improve their nation’s food security as well as reduce waste and pollution.

Image Alternative Text: No image available.

A High-quality Chromosome-level Genome Assembly of Rohu Carp, Labeo Rohita, and its Utilization in SNP-based Exploration of Gene Flow and Sex Determination

The Genome Sequencing and Development of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) Markers from Rohu in Bangladesh activity has a new journal article. The results from the study demonstrate the utility of the new rohu genome in modernizing some aspects of rohu genetic improvement programs.

Image Alternative Text: No image available.

Performance of Sentinel-1 and 2 Imagery in Detecting Aquaculture Waterbodies in Bangladesh

The Machine Learning for Better Aquaculture activity has a new journal article in Environmental Modelling and Software. Read the abstract to learn more about how the team used synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and multispectral data to detect aquaculture waterbodies in Southern Bangladesh to quantify fish production on a national scale.

Image Alternative Text: No image available.

COVID-19's Effects and Adaptation Strategies in Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector

The Strategies for an Inclusive Aquaculture Value Chain in Bangladesh activity has a new journal article in Aquaculture. Read the abstract to learn more about how COVID-19 has affected the fisheries and aquaculture sectors in Bangladesh.

Image Alternative Text: Group photo of a section of training participants in Ebonyi state, Nigeria (Photo credit: Bamidele Omitoyin, University of Ibadan)

Summer Trainings Move the Needle Toward a More Sustainable Farming System for Nigeria

The Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture as Farm Diversification Strategy activity is moving the needle toward a more sustainable farming system for Nigeria. Through summer trainings and research plots, the team is providing knowledge on how to rice-fish farm. Click to read the article and see the photo gallery.

Image Alternative Text: Headshot of Mary Read-Wahidi

Meet the Gender and Youth Equity Specialist: Mary Read-Wahidi

Meet Mary Read-Wahidi, one of the Fish Innovation Lab's gender and youth equity specialists. "One thing that I think is surprising (about places where food insecurity is prevalent) is you can have these important and nutritious cash crops, but the people who harvest them or catch them don’t necessarily eat enough of them to get the nutritional benefits."