Feed the Future Innovation Labs

The Fish Innovation Lab is one of 16 Feed the Future Innovation Labs leveraging the expertise of U.S. universities and developing country research institutions to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges in agriculture and food security. Labs harness U.S. and global expertise on a variety of food security topics – from horticulture, to food security policy, to applied wheat genomics and beyond.  You can read more about each Innovation Lab via the Feed the Future website.

More on Feed the Future

Feed the Future is the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative. Since 2010, Feed the Future has supported and leveraged partnerships and innovation to create the sustainable, long-term change needed to end chronic hunger and poverty. The U.S. Government Global Food Security Research Strategy directs Feed the Future’s research investments toward three major themes:

  • Technologies and practices that advance the productivity frontier to drive income growth, improve diets, and promote natural resource conservation;
  • Technologies and practices that reduce, manage, and mitigate risk to support resilient, prosperous, well-nourished individuals, households, and communities; and
  • Improved knowledge of how to achieve human outcomes: generating evidence on how to sustainably and equitability improve economic opportunity, nutrition, and resilience.