Laura Zseleczky
Two new team members have joined the Development of Bighead Catfish Culture for Sustainable Aquaculture project in Cambodia.
Panha Vuth Prum will be working as the project coordinator, helping to coordinate the project’s subactivities and monitoring and evaluation efforts. Prum completed his master’s degree in general development management at Norton University in Cambodia.
Soth Vi Thun, a PhD candidate and lecturer in the Faculty of Fisheries at the Royal University of Agriculture in Cambodia, will be working with the project as part of his dissertation. Thun will be trained as a technical specialist to install and study the infrastructure and facilities for bighead catfish aquaculture. After completing his PhD, he will continue to work with the Faculty of Fisheries as part of the project’s objective to help build institutional and human capacity at the university.
More information about the Bighead Catfish Culture project is available on the project web page.
Published January 13, 2021