United States Announces $29 Million Investment to Extend Two Feed the Future Innovation Labs
USAID announced a five-year extension for the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish and the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems Research. These critical investments will increase productivity and raise incomes of small-scale farmers and fishers so they can produce more affordable, nutritious foods and help improve diets in their own communities and beyond.
$15 Million to MSU-Led Fish Innovation Lab Extends Global Food Security Pursuits Through Aquatic Systems
Mississippi State University has received a five-year, up to $15 million extension for the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish to address global food security challenges through aquatic food systems.
Fish Breeding Technology in Bangladesh Offers Convenience and Quality to Farmers and Consumers
"Cryopreservation—preserving and storing the sperm cells of fish—helps maintain valuable genetic material and supports the growing aquaculture sector in the country." The Fish Innovation Lab activity on cryogenic sperm banking of carp in Bangladesh was featured in this Feed the Future story.
Our People: Sandra Correa
Sandra Correa, from the Fish Innovation Lab Increasing Fisheries Sustainability for Resilience team, was featured in a Mississippi State University Our People story for her river and aquatic ecology work in Cambodia. Read how Correa is using her knowledge of aquatic biodiversity to promote responsible care of river ecosystems and protect them from overfishing, so they continue to produce a variety of fish.
Sustainable Aquatic Food Systems: Multisectoral Analysis of Determinants of Child Nutrition in Coastal Kenya
The Samaki Salama activity in Kenya has a new journal article in Frontiers. This study aimed to map the multidimensional determinants of fish food security and young child nutrition in four coastal communities of Kenya with a view toward designing a large intervention trial.
Bighead Catfish Nutrition Research and Training Builds Capacity Through Installation of a Feed Pelletizing Machine
In Cambodia, the Bighead Catfish team along with a group of students were trained on how to use a fish feed pelletizing machine to work on developing a cost-effective fish feed alternative. The training also engaged participants from the Faculty of Agricultural Biosystems Engineering who have knowledge of agricultural machinery, which built synergy between the faculties at the Royal University of Agriculture by supporting each other and sharing knowledge.
An Investigation of Bacterial Pathogens Associated with Diseased Nile Tilapia in Small-Scale Cage Culture Farms on Lake Kariba, Siavonga, Zambia
The Development and Investigation of the Delivery Mode of a Multivalent Bacterial Fish Vaccine in Zambia activity has a new journal article in Fishes. This study investigated disease outbreaks in farmed Nile tilapia in Siavonga among small-scale cage culture farms on Lake Kariba.
Know the Risks: Researching Invasive Crayfish in Zambia Leads to a Future Career in Aquaculture Research
Chibwe Katapa is a student at the University of Zambia, and she wanted to learn about aquaculture to make a difference in the lives of her people in Zambia. Katapa is doing just that by investigating the growth and spread of the invasive crayfish, which could possibly threaten the integrity of freshwater ecosystems in the country. Her research on distribution and abundance will be essential to develop long-term management solutions.
Integrated Aquatic and Terrestrial Food Production Enhances Micronutrient and Economic Productivity for Nutrition-Sensitive Food Systems
The Machine Learning for Better Aquaculture activity has a new journal article in Nature Food. Read the abstract to learn more about how the team compared economic and nutrient productivity from a representative survey of 721 farms in southern Bangladesh.
Nigerian Fish Farmers Tell How They are Using Lean Management to Succeed in Aquaculture Production
In this video, participants in the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish Applying Lean Management in Aquaculture Production team's training speak about how they are using the Lean approach to be more efficient and reduce waste on their fish farms.