Gender Equity

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Results and Findings from Fish4Zambia Team

The Fish4Zambia team has released an executive summary of findings and results from a study of men and women fishers, processors, and sellers at Zambia’s Lake Bangweulu. Results indicate significant differences in reported household-level hunger…

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Free Online Course Explains the Role of Gender in Agricultural Development

A new online course developed for the Feed the Future Soybean Innovation Lab and featuring work from the Fish Innovation Lab introduces participants to the important role gender plays in agricultural development, including aquaculture and fisheries…


Quick Start Projects Yield Lessons for Gender-Responsive Aquaculture and Fisheries Activities

As part of its cross-cutting theme on Mainstreaming Gender Equity and Youth Inclusion, the Fish Innovation Lab works with subawardees to advance gender-responsive aquaculture and fisheries development. A new brief highlights successes and challenges…

Image Alternative Text: Poster on Using the Household Hunger Scale to explore food insecurity among smallscale fishers, processors, and traders at Lake Bangweulu: Fish4Zambia Results

Fish4Zambia Team Presents at 2021 Women and Gender in International Development Conference

Fish4Zambia team members Kathleen Ragsdale, Pamela Marinda, Mary Read-Wahidi, Lauren Pincus, Elin Torell, and Robert Kolbila presented a poster at the 2021 Women and Gender in International Development Conference held virtually from February 23-26,…

Image Alternative Text: Fishers at Hakaluki Haor Wetland

2020 Research Results from the Fish Innovation Lab

“Some of our proudest accomplishments this year are the impressive results from our Quick Start projects, results that are informing further research and development with partner institutions, government officials, and other groups in the zones of…

Image Alternative Text: Stakeholders take a fisheries literacy exam in southern coastal Kenya

Exam Tests Knowledge of Fisheries and Sustainability

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish (Fish Innovation Lab) is working with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) in Kenya to secure coral reef sanctuaries from increasing climate change disturbances. Once these sanctuaries are identified,…

Image Alternative Text: Mama Karanga processing (descaling, cleaning insides and cutting into pieces) fish at Uyombo landing site

Key Takeaways for Sustainable Fishery and Improved Nutrition in Coastal Kenya

The SecureFish project has four key takeaways that will inform future work in the study communities: 1) Resource scarcity and cultural beliefs limit fish consumption in small fishing households. 2) Social marketing and nutrition education could…

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Researchers Present at International Conference on Global Food Security

Kathleen Ragsdale (Mississippi State University), Pamela Marinda (University of Zambia), Mary Read-Wahidi (Mississippi State University), Lauren Pincus (WorldFish), Elin Torell (University of Rhode Island), and Robert Kolbila (Mississippi State…

Image Alternative Text: Chinsanka fish camp

Addressing Inequalities at Home and Abroad: How the Gender Impacts Lab’s work cover continents

“We conduct hands-on research in the U.S. and globally to address gender equity to improve community development, health, and to empower women and men, boys and girls,” said Ragsdale.

Image Alternative Text: Woman with fish catch

The Aquaculture Postharvest Value Chain in Nigeria

The project enhanced understanding of postharvest aquaculture value chain, postharvest losses along aquaculture value chains, characteristics of aquaculture production systems in Nigeria, aquaculture contributions to rural livelihoods and household…