Gender Equity

Image Alternative Text: two women harvesting vegetables

Women Employment in Integrated Gher (Rice-Fish-Vegetable) Farming

In this video by the Machine Learning for Better Aquaculture activity, Bangladeshi women harvest vegetables on an integrated gher farm or rice-fish-vegetable farm, which helps them earn income for themselves and their families.

Image Alternative Text: a woman cutting up fish, using proper methods such as gloves and a clean knife and cutting board, to prepare a meal

Safe Fish for Children and Expecting Mothers

Learn about how the Nourishing Nations activity is working toward helping women and youth have safe, nutritious fish to add to their diets. Read Terezie Tolar-Peterson's Agrilinks article to find out more!

Image Alternative Text: Seated, Bora, a male caregiver from Kuruwitu village, received nutrition education on the multiple nutrients in fish from a nutrition educator.

Individualized Nutrition Education and Group Cooking Demonstrations Increase Knowledge on Fish Consumption Among Caregivers

Bora, a participant in the Samaki Salama cooking demonstrations, not only received nutrition education thanks to the team's work, but he also learned how to cook healthy, well-balanced meals for himself and his four-year-old son. Read this success…

Image Alternative Text: In this group picture, Isomo (first from right) did field work with attendants as Elizabeth Akuwa monitored (first from left).

Fish Innovation Lab Trainees Identify Areas of Waste and Make Improvements at the Farm Level

The Applying Lean Management in Aquaculture Production project is continuing to enhance food security and increase economic returns through a train-the-trainers approach. Read about how Sunday Isomo has improved workplace organization on his farm,…

Image Alternative Text: Ania Issac standing by her poster

FishFirst! Zambia Research Scholars Present Posters at 2022 Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium

Ania Issac and Makayla Smith, two MSU undergraduate research scholars, presented posters of FishFirst! Zambia research at the 2022 Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium held at Mississippi State University.

Image Alternative Text: All fish farmers were awarded a certificate after the day-long training at PSTU.

Aquaculture Training Teaches Bangladesh Farmers Business Practices to be More Profitable

A day-long training workshop for fish farmers on scientific and farm business management practices in Bangladesh provides the knowledge farmers need to diversify their farming operations to earn more income. This training by the Strategies for…

Image Alternative Text: Woman wearing a tan head covering sits beside her fish harvest in the trunk of a car

Integrated Rice-Fish Farming in Nigeria: A Resilient Approach in the Face of Climate Change

Severe weather events like flooding, drought and rising temperatures disproportionately affect many Nigerian fishing and farming communities given the naturally arid conditions of their environment. Read the full story by Feed the Future to learn…

Image Alternative Text: Researchers in a boat: Front row from left to right is Phannara and Phun, and in the back row from left to right is Champapao, Chakriya Chum, and Sreyden, visiting fishermen along the Sre Ambel River to collect fish for nutrition analysis.

Building Capacity: Graduate Student in Cambodia Working on the First Nutritional Database for Fish

The "Increasing Sustainability of Fisheries and Aquaculture for Resilience of Cambodian Communities" project is helping develop a nutritional database for fish, which will provide the knowledge to help fill in gaps and limitations in fishery…

Image Alternative Text: Woman stands speaking in front of men and women seated behind tables

Working from the Inside Out: How the Fish Innovation Lab Helps Partners Integrate Gender in Their Activities

A four-part series of briefs synthesizes the results of the Gender Responsive Aquaculture/Fisheries Development Assessment, an internal survey to measure gender integration in the Fish Innovation Lab's research portfolio.

Image Alternative Text: No image available.

Fish and Complementary Feeding Practices for Young Children: Qualitative Research Findings From Coastal Kenya

The Samaki Salama team has a new publication accepted in PLOS ONE. This study examines barriers to fish consumption during the complementary feeding period in two coastal counties of Kenya with high rates of child malnutrition.