Strategies for an Inclusive Aquaculture Value Chain in Bangladesh: Analysis of Market Access, Trade, and Consumption Patterns

Woman handing money to fish vendor
Photo submitted by Mahfujul Haque

The overall goal of this activity is to analyze economic implications of aquaculture value-chain development in Bangladesh in terms of food security and market access, and thus to improve market access for consumers and producers. Specific objectives include analyzing the food and nutritional security impacts of increased aquaculture production, evaluating constraints in aquaculture input markets that influence domestic market access for aquaculture producers, and analyzing the export market competitiveness of major aquaculture products of Bangladesh (such as pangasius, tilapia, shrimp, and major carps) for different scale and intensity of farming operations.

Success Story [2022]

Executive Summary of Results and Findings

Learn More

How Price and Non-Price Factors Influence the Market Price of Major Carp: Findings From the Dynamic ARDL Approach [peer-reviewed journal article]

Trade Credits in Farming: A Drain for Gain in the Aquaculture Industry of Bangladesh [peer-reviewed journal article]

Policy Workshop on Aquaculture Value Chain Development Strategies in Bangladesh

COVID-19's Effects and Adaptation Strategies in Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector [peer-reviewed journal article]

Shrimp Export Competitiveness and its Determinants: A Novel Dynamic ARDL Simulations Approach [peer-reviewed journal article]

Enumerators’ Training Program on Strategies for an Inclusive Aquaculture Value Chain in Bangladesh

Fish price volatility dynamics in Bangladesh [peer-reviewed journal article]