Conference Facility of International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Ibadan, Nigeria
A workshop titled, “Nigerian Aquaculture: Status, Prospects, and Future Growth,” was on October 31 through November 2, 2022. The joint Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish and WorldFish workshop was an opportunity for aquaculture R&D teams and stakeholders to present the important work they are doing to reduce poverty and improve nutrition, food security, and livelihoods for Nigerians.
The two-and-a-half-day private event was held at the Conference Facility of International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Ibadan, Nigeria, and included around 60 individuals.
View the meeting agenda and PowerPoint presentations, labeled by each day, below.
Day 1 Presentations
- Overview of Fish Innovation Lab
- Global Aquaculture: Where Is Nigeria?
- National Vision for Aquaculture Development in Nigeria
- Achieving National Goals: Policy and Institutional Bottlenecks
- The Farm Diversification Process: Adapting Rice Fields for Co-Cultivation of Rice and Fish
- Diversification of Species in Nigerian Aquaculture: A Farmer Experience
- Diversification of Farming Systems and Species in Nigerian Aquaculture: Tilapia Aquaculture Developers Association in Nigeria (TADAN) Perspective
- Diversification of Farming Systems and Species in Nigerian Aquaculture: Catfish Farmer Association Perspective
- A Gendered Aquaculture Value Chain Study in Nigeria
Day 2 Presentations
- Aquaculture Biosecurity
- Improving Aquaculture Biosecurity in Ogun and Delta States: The Status on Circulating Pathogens
- E-AquaHealth Platform: Towards Aquaculture Stakeholders' Engagement and Sustainable Aquatic Animal Health
- Catfish (Clarias gariepinus) Genetics and Improving Catfish Hatchery and Seed Supply
- Tilapia Genetics: WorldFish Research and Future Vision
- Disseminating Technologies for Smallholder Aquaculture: TAAT Experience
- Adapting a Lean Production Systems Approach to Aquaculture in Nigeria: Save Time, Money, and Grow Your Profits With Lean Aquaculture
- Bridging the Demand and Supply Gap of Affordable Commercial Feeds in Nigeria
- Feed Supply: Constraints Faced by Smallholder Farmers
- Farming Insects as Sustainable and Scalable Aquaculture Feedstock
- Improving Quality and Safety of Processed Fish Products: Capacity Building Approach
- Improving Post Harvest Food Quality and Safety: Processing, Value Adding and Marketing of Fish Products: SME Perspective
Day 3 Presentations