Meetings & Events

Image Alternative Text: Photo of Gina Rico Mendez

MSU Faculty Member Dives Into Sustainable Aquatic Food-Based Solutions at United Nations Event

On June 18, 2024, Gina Rico Mendez, the research and learning manager for the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish, represented Mississippi State University and the Fish Innovation Lab during the 24th United Nations Open-Ended Informal…

Image Alternative Text: a screenshot from an online meeting

Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting in Innovation Labs: Insights from the Fish Innovation Lab’s Learning Meetings

The Fish Innovation Lab method of implementation of USAID’s approach for Collaborating, Learning, and Adapting is founded on the commitment to fostering knowledge sharing and collaboration in the realm of aquaculture and fisheries. Learn more about…

Image Alternative Text: Photo of Dr. Mark Keenum, President of MSU, and Qu Dongyu, Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Director General Visits MSU to Deepen Collaboration in Science, Data, and Innovation for Agrifood Systems Transformation

Qu Dongyu, Director General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), met with senior executives and researchers at Mississippi State University (MSU), including Mark Lawrence, director for both the Global Center for…

Image Alternative Text: Shown here at one of MSU South Farm’s aquaculture ponds, along with Qu, are Mark Lawrence, second from left, director of the international Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish; Gabriella Piacentini, special assistant to the Director General; and Peter Allen, MSU aquatic sciences professor and production frontier specialist.

UN Food and Agriculture Organization Director General Qu Dongyu Visits MSU

FAO Director General Qu Dongyu toured the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish and MSU aquaculture research facilities, as well as the High Performance Computing Collaboratory, in addition to meeting with senior MSU officials.

Image Alternative Text: Yahia Mahmud, Director General for BFRI, officially received the G3 rohu strain from John Benzie, acting director of Aquatic Food Biosciences for WorldFish.

The Carp Genetic Improvement Program in Bangladesh Shares G3 Technology with the Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute

The Carp Genetic Improvement Program in Bangladesh shared its G3 technology with the Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute during a day-long workshop held on August 8, 2023. ''The government of Bangladesh has a target to produce 8.6 million tons…

Image Alternative Text: Shamsul Alam addressing the workshop as the chief guest

Policy Workshop on Aquaculture Value Chain Development Strategies in Bangladesh

The Fish Innovation Lab activity on strategies for an inclusive aquaculture value chain in Bangladesh held a policy workshop in Bangladesh which over 170 invited national and international participants and stakeholders attended.

Image Alternative Text: The Fish Innovation Lab research team with Teresa and Koch of AGGRC, Louisiana State University, U.S.A., at the workshop venue. (Photo by M. Gulam Hussain) 

Final Workshop of Fish Innovation Lab's Cryogenic Sperm Banking of Carps Activity in Bangladesh

The Fish Innovation Lab Cryogenic Sperm Banking team held their final dissemination workshop in July 2023. Over 50 invited national and international participants and stakeholders were present at the workshop and represented a number of institutions…

Image Alternative Text: Group photograph of some participants at the workshop

Improving Biosecurity Team Engages Stakeholders in Nigeria to Reduce Disease in Aquaculture

The Improving Biosecurity team held a stakeholder engagement workshop in Ibadan, Nigeria, covering best management practices in aquaculture. Additionally, the event served to transfer the Improving Biosecurity team’s knowledge and tools to the local…

Image Alternative Text: Andrew Wamukota in a panel discussion

The Fish Innovation Lab Goes to Kenya for Regional Partners Meeting

The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish attended the 2023 Feed the Future Innovation Labs Regional Partners Meeting in Kenya. The meeting, which focused on systemic and innovative solutions for climate adaptation, food, and nutrition systems,…

Image Alternative Text: Group photo in the 3-D printing lab at LSU AgCenter

A Cross-Collaboration to Build the Cryopreservation Industry in Bangladesh

The LSU AgCenter and the Fish Innovation Lab’s Cryogenic Sperm Banking for Carps team came together at the LSU AgCenter facilities in the United States to learn from one another and work to further build the cryopreservation industry in Bangladesh.