Andrew Wamukota serves as one of the Fish Innovation Lab’s Africa Regional Coordinators, providing support and linkage between activities and the management entity. He establishes relationships with in-country stakeholders, including research institutions, government institutions, universities, NGOs as well as communities to ensure the successful implementation of activity objectives.
In 2014, Wamukota joined Pwani University in Kenya as a lecturer and researcher in environmental science. Since then, he was promoted to head of the Department of Environmental Studies and Community Development at Pwani University in August 2023. Wamukota has taken a lead role in various research projects addressing socioeconomics and ecological drivers of resource use and fisheries conservation, particularly concerning human livelihoods and nutrition. In collaboration with national research activities, he has undertaken research and capacity building in Kenya, Tanzania, Madagascar, and Mauritius to name a few.
Wamukota holds a master’s of philosophy degree in environmental science, with a focus on environmental economics, from Moi University in Kenya and a PhD in environmental science from Linnaeus University in Sweden. He has over fifteen years of progressive experience in research and program management and coordination.